With Veranoa Hetet

Free Introductory Course

Some of THE most important classes we teach:

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Let's weave together!

Come join me to discover the wonderful world of Māori Weaving in my virtual classroom.

Whether it's weaving Kete, Taaniko or Whatu Kākahu, we'll start with one of the most important classes I teach: weaving a kono. 
Pictured: To the left of me are kono I wove from harakeke and (right) kono woven from paper by Elaine Ogilvy with just a few days of  the classes
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Start with a special series of lessons to weave a simple four-cornered basket called a Kono

Here's what you'll learn in the free classes

About Māori Weaving Techniques

About Māori Weaving Materials

How To Prepare To Weave

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How To Gather Harakeke

How To Prepare Harakeke

How To Weave A Kono

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What You'll Discover


The wisdom of
Māori values and 
cultural practises 


Proper technique
to avoid wobbly 
and wonky weaving


Knowledge of
what to do and when
to do it for best results


Connect with
the timeless artistry
of our forebears


Open the door 
to new and exciting


Find peace in
the mindful bliss
of weaving

What people say

I just love how Whaea Veranoa teaches. I love the freedom of being able to learn at my own pace. I use it as a time for 'just me'. To meditate and reflect.
— Amiria Hunt
Kia ora Veranoa, thank you for your wisdom and calm, I am loving the lessons and the path the harakeke is leading me on.

— Elizabeth Wycherley

Frequently Asked Questions:

What do I need?

You'll need:

  • A good pair of scissors.

  • A sharp Stanley knife.

  • A firm surface to weave on and preferably good natural light.

  • A source of harakeke or you can use alternative materials which I will tell you about inside the classes.

  • You will be shown how to properly gather and prepare harakeke for weaving during the 5 Day Experience.

Can I still do this if I don't have harakeke?


You can use other plant materials, firm paper, stiff fabric or canvas.... Have fun experimenting.

What if I'm busy?

The lessons will be available in our virtual studio 24/7 at hetetschoolofmaoriart.com where I teach online so you can join in when it suits you. 

Can I join if I'm not Maori?

Yes, you are welcome to join me

Reviews For The Māori Weaving Experience

"Nga mihi Veranoa for this amazing experience..."

- Daniel Warren

"I would just like to say thank you, and how appreciative I am of this beautiful course..

I look forward to filling my home with kono.

Thank you for sharing your treasured

knowledge :)"

- Moira

"Thank you so much for sharing
your knowledge and amazing skills."

- Jane Dolan

"Have absolutely loved this experience.

Highly recommend.

Would definitely do it again. 💕

I am grateful for this opportunity and hope I'm able to continue on this journey. ☺️

- Pani Taiapa

"Simply amazing, this is something my wife and I can do together to pass the time....

Something we can both do with our daughter.

Maybe set one afternoon a week to do quality family time together....

Learning from you was awesome and you made it look so simple yet achievable."

- Rob Moke

"I'm so blessed to gift these taonga to my son and mokopuna."

- Ani Rikirangi

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Are you ready to start this adventure?