Weave Kākahu Your Whānau Will
Treasure For Generations to come
Are you?
- fascinated by Māori weaving especially whatu kākahu
- keen to deepen your knowledge and grow your skills
- wanting to weave a korowai
- happy to follow a step-by-step proven path to success
- over the age of 18 years
Hieke by Kiriana O'Connell in the Weave Korowai Programme
"This has been an incredible journey full of joy, surprises, support and blisters."
Kiriana O'Connell, Aotearoa New Zealand
Any of these sound like you?
Do you find it challenging to remember what you’ve learned or feel embarrassed learning in a group?
Perhaps you're looking for a gentle teacher to guide you, or you're left-handed, struggle with hearing, or have a learning difficulty that makes weaving tricky.
If you just want to weave, not write essays, we understand—and we're here to support you every step of the way.
Kiriana O'Connell in the Weave Korowai Programme
"I have learnt so much every step of the way but I’d have to say I didn’t expect to feel so close to ōku tūpuna as I went through the process of korowai.
Kiriana O'Connell - Aotearoa, New Zealand
Become a Legacy Member for:
- Expert Tuition following a proven pathway
- One-to-one learning with your teacher beside you online
- Go at your own pace through the lessons
- Our world-class virtual classroom available 24/7 worldwide
- The convenience of learning when and where it suits you
- Step-by-step captioned video lessons you can replay at will
- An awesome and supportive community of weavers
- Monthly get-togethers on zoom
- Ability to ask questions and get them answered
- Access to a growing library of resources inside our portal
PLUS A Mobile App to view lessons without wifi
"I really felt my place in the continuum of time.
A profoundly beautiful experience."
Kiriana O'Connell, Aotearoa New Zealand
Who will teach you?
AwhinaTamarapa wearing her first Piupiu
"I love the fact that I have personal, private tuition in my own home, at any time, at my own pace.
Veranoa is right with me, taking me through each step, conveying everything - a-tinana, a-wairua (in body and in spirit).
It is a pure luxury to have this special method of teaching given to us."
It is a pure luxury to have this special method of teaching given to us."
Awhina Tamarapa - Aotearoa, New Zealand
Here's What You'll learn in the WEAVE KĀKAHU PROGRAMME
Module 4 of The Matrix:
Joy of Taaniko
Hieke woven by Soraya McConachy with the Hetet School of Māori Art
Module 5a of The Matrix:
Piupiu woven by Kiriana O'Connell - with the Hetet School of Māori Art
Module 5b of The Matrix:
Hieke woven by Kiriana O'Connell with the Hetet School of Māori Art
Module 5c of The Matrix:
Prepared muka
Module 5d of The Matrix:
Muka and Feathers
Kiriana O'Connell weaving her korowai
Module 5e of The Matrix:
Weave Korowai
$7,500 Value
$5,500 Single Payment
______________________OR _____________________
Join our Legacy Membership to access our
Manaia Carswell weaving her korowai
"Learning to weave with Veranoa has opened my life, and made me More. I feel like a more complete version of myself having been on this amazing journey."
Manaia Carswell, Aotearoa New Zealand
Frequently Asked Questions:
I'm not Māori, can I join this programme?
Some students learning with us who are not Māori have married into whānau Māori and are weaving for their mokopuna.
Others who are not Māori are drawn to whatu Kākahu and want to weave for their own creativity and development.
We also have several weavers who are from other indigenous communities e.g. Native American and First Nations Canadian and Australian Aboriginal weavers weaving with us.
Can I join the programme if I am a member of The Kete Club?
You will require a special link which we will send you once you have successfully applied to join the programme.
Our email is: learn@hetetschoolofmaoriart.com
What if I cancel and re-join, do I have to start from the beginning?
When you do this, you will also be given renewed access to all the lessons you had up to that point as well.
What if I work? Will I still have time to do the course?
Many members have full-time jobs, whānau, family and social commitments as part of a busy life but online access makes learning much more accessible and easier to fit into a busy life.
What happens when I get to the end of the Weave Korowai Programme?
Can I purchase access to individual modules rather than complete the full programme?
However, because of the way we teach, building your know-how in preparation for the next level of learning, each module is considered a pre-requisite for the next.
Therefore, you will not be able to purchase access to individual modules unless you have completed the modules before it.
I still have questions - who can I ask?