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The Hetet Whānau
We help others create their own enduring legacy of ngā taonga tuku iho for their uri
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Nau Mai - Haere Mai

Tēnā koe,
It's great to be welcoming you to our online space where we hope you'll find inspiration and motivation to fuel your weaving dreams.

Our whānau have been weaving and carving for generations. 

We've taught on marae, at Wānanga, at the Institute of Māori Arts and Crafts, at the Open Polytechnic of NZ and more. What we found after decades of teaching is that government funded programmes and institutions place unnecessary requirements on learners and restrict the way we prefer to teach.

We prefer a style of teaching and learning that is more aligned with traditional ways:
  • One-to-one
  • When the student is ready
  • In tune with the seasons
  • Encouraging self-discovery
  • Developing mastery
  • Focused on practise rather than theory

In our quest to be autonomous and make our programmes more widely available to people who would not otherwise have access to this mātauranga - in Janaury 2015 we brought our renowned teaching online.

Since then, we've taught hundreds of people to create a woven legacy via our online courses and programmes.

So, if you're wanting to create taonga for your whānau - we can definitely help you!
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Pictured: Kahukiwi woven by Erenora Puketapu-Hetet and carving of Hinemoa and Tutanekoi by Rangi Hetet


"E ngā uri whakatupu, whakarongo
Kia kaha hapaingā ake rā ngā mahi huatau,
a ngā tupuna i waiho ake nei,
Hei paingā mō te iwi o Aotearoa e"
From a waiata composed by our kuia Rangimarie Hetet (1892-1995) urging her mokopuna to uphold the traditional arts left by our ancestors, for the good of the people of Aotearoa.

Our mahi is inspired by Nana Rangimarie's vision.
Pictured: Rangimarie Hetet (Nana), at home with mokopuna Mihi Hetet 1977
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"Weaving is more than just a product of manual skills. 
From the simple rourou, food basket, to the prestigious kahu kiwi, weaving is embued with the very essence of the spiritual values of Māori people."

From the book 'Māori Weaving with Erenora Puketapu-Hetet'

Our courses and programmes are built on a foundation of traditional values and customary practises. 

Pictured: Erenora Puketapu-Hetet weaving a korowai at Waiwhetu Marae 
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Mō Ngā Uri

Our mission is to help restore the mātauranga we were privileged to have growing up, to every whānau without it.

Our hope is that each weaver we teach will share the knowledge and skills with their own tamariki and mokopuna so that it becomes a natural part of their daily lives.

Pictured: Veranoa Hetet and mokopuna Hawaiiki
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Tino Rangatiratanga

We seek to enable those who learn with us to become highly skilled and knowledgeable weavers who have the confidence and know-how to create whatever taonga they dream of.

Pictured: Manaia Carswell, one of our online students, weaving her first korowai
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Why This Matters

Being able to weave for the well being of yourself and your whānau is ultimately what motivates you.

At the end of the day, you don't really care about receiving a diploma or degree in Maori Art. The reason why you're seeking this knowledge is to be able to actually create taonga that connects you and your whānau to your tupuna.

We want to help you reclaim this mātauranga for yourself and your whānau so that it becomes a living part of the whakapapa of your uri.
Pictured: Soraya McConachy and her daughter Dara Barton weaving together
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What Makes The Difference?

We follow 'The Matrix®' which is a specific series of lessons, taught in a very special way.

Developed by Erenora Puketapu-Hetet and her daughter, Veranoa Hetet over decades of teaching, The Matrix® has successfully guided hundreds of students on a journey of self discovery and mastery through the traditional Māori weaving techniques of Raranga, Taaniko and Whatu Kākahu.

The Matrix® is a proven method that equips the weaver with the values, skills, understanding and confidence needed to weave the range of traditional pieces and to adapt them so they can weave almost any item they imagine.
The Matrix® is represented by a stylised version of Niho Taniwha: a traditional motif symbolic of story-telling - one of the roles of the carver and weaver in Māori society. This design is also reminiscent of the artwork Te Kawau Maro - the flight of the cormorant, imagined by Rangi Hetet as the whānau moving forward into the future together, taking with us ngā taonga tuku iho a ngā tupuna i waiho ake nei - the treasures left by our ancestors.